Why Should We Invest?

Welcome to the area that lets you into all the secrets of how to invest in property the right way, these are the secrets that most investors keep to themselves and this is how 7 out of ten investors have become rich through investing in property.

The secret is the government has given us to the keys to be able to invest and create wealth but most Australians just don’t know about it or how to put it all together as it can be a mind field. Here at Leader Property Group it is our drive to help everyday people to invest correctly, safely and with the minimum of stress as we do most of the hard work for you helping to direct, educate and find the right property to suit your requirements to gain wealth correctly structure and gear your property to gain the maximum benefit for you


Scary True Australian Income Statistics – where will you be in retirement?

Those of us who live to retirement, will be in one of these categories: working/job or living on charity.


Isn't it always the way? it seems that no matter how much money we earn, we'd always like to earn more. There's always something that we'd love to buy but simply can't afford on our current salaries.

It could be as simple as paying off your mortgage early, or maybe you have grand plans of owning a luxury home a few years down the track. Or perhaps you'd like to have enough money to start a family and be able to afford to have your partner stay at home to look after the kids. Or maybe you would like to buy a business, or a luxury yacht.

And if you are in your 40's or 50's, there's a good chance that you have started to plan what you would like to do in your retirement, along with how much money you would like to live on. Well, in the past, Superannuation has been hailed as a sound way of offering you a comfortable retirement living, but we now know for absolute certain that most Australians will find themselves living on not much more than the old age pension.

Terrifying thought, isn't it? So what can you do?

To make sure you have enough money to live on comfortably in retirement, you could increase your Super contributions, but depending on how old you are now, you could soon find that you would need to put away a large sum each week, to retire on an income that equals your current salary. And of course, that is just impossible.


The good news is,  having enough money to afford to retire is much easier than you think.