Property Investment in Australian Capital Cities
Finding the RIGHT investment property is where most people begin when considering property investment.
As you can see from the website and information provided there are many issues to consider and work out before looking for a particular property.
We need to find out:
· How much we should borrow, as distinct from how much you can afford to borrow.
· How much you can afford to invest.
· The cost to the investor before and after tax.
· Which area will potentially give you the best return and in the long run the optimum capital growth.
And many other issues, all of which help determine the property that best suits your circumstances and helps you attain your goals and objectives.
However, most investors, acting without the assistance of a professional property planner, will ignore these steps and go to the classified section of the newspaper, make telephone calls to local agents, inspect properties, choose the best of whatever happens to be available, talk to their bank, do some calculations and then become the owner of an investment property. THIS IS HOW MAJOR MISTAKES ARE MADE.
Even if all the financial, taxation and market issues are properly addressed, in the process of selecting the property there is much that should be individually considered.
Finding the properties which we believe will best serve our clients is an exhaustive process which involves constantly scouring and searching the market. We reject far more properties than we are prepared to recommend to our clients, they must meet our stringent criteria. Just as important is the after sales follow up, right through to the property settlement, tenancy and beyond.
Leader Property Group is happy to refer you to advice and support from unbiased, fully qualified professionals: financial advisors, solicitors, investment finance brokers, look after the handover process, tenant insurances, quantity surveyors etc all companies specialise in the area of property investment.
Simple Rules of Property Investment:
1. Buy brand new to maximise tax benefit
2. Buy in a recognised developing area to maximise capital growth
3. Buy houses as a first choice for better capital growth
4. Buy in the median price range for the locality to maximise its appeal
5. Obtain the right finance package
6. Use the right solicitor, experienced in conveyancing
7. Use the right accountant, experienced in property investment
8. Obtain the right Quantity Surveyors Report to maximise tax deductions
9. Have the right insurance safety net package
10.Employ the right property manager who has your interest at heart not the tenants
11.Don't sell in the short term - hold property long term to maximise return
12.Refinance only when necessary not as a matter of course
13.Seek the guidance of professional people when making any decision in relation to property investment
14.When listening to the 'advice' of 'friends' seek their qualifications and experience prior to taking their advice. Their 'negativity' will often ensure that you both enjoy a poor lifestyle in retirement
We have brought together in a strategic alliance, a group of licensed professionals and companies to provide you with the expertise & assistance needed to achieve financial independence.
· Australia-wide property selection specialists
· Building valuation and allowances by registered quantity surveyors
· Financial Advisors with specialists in property investment
· Investment Finance Brocker with leading investment finance specialists
· Transactions using licensed professionals bound by industry codes of ethics
· Establishment of rental leases and agreements
· Property management service with quarterly home condition reports
· Property contents, landlord rental protection & income protection insurance
· Efficient management to ensure maximum rental income returns
Accumulating property and building a portfolio is the primary goal of most investors, but overnight success can take years. It is important to plan for the future and not get so caught up in the process that you could end up failing to act.
It's extremely important to get moving and do something as the cost of doing nothing can be very expensive.
Whatever your age or stage of life, property has both the flexibility and the wealth-building power to deliver an earlier, more secure, or more prosperous retirement.
Bricks and mortar give you security and peace of mind. Financial independence gives you choices, and above all a feeling of achievement and security.
The sources we draw from include: Australian Bureau of Statistics, BIS Shrapnel, KPMG and Real Estate Institute Australia. The reports from these sources are all publicly available.